
Body lift With Buttock Augmentation

Meet Paul Belt

The Procedure

When patients have lost a considerable amount of weight, this can lead to a redundancy of excess skin on the posterior part of the torso.

The nature and pattern of the excess skin differs dramatically between individuals.  It is possible to tailor an operation so that the precise areas of excess skin are removed.  The exact pattern of the excision will differ between individuals. This is usually done as a horizontal excision of skin and fat.  This operation can frequently be performed with an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck which will result in a circumferential scar running around the body.  This is also known as the “Belt” lipectomy. Please note that this is a reference to the final scar that runs around the body like a belt, and is not related to my surname.

This will lead to an improvement in the contour and definition of the back as well as the upper part of the thigh.

The scar is generally concealed by the patient’s underwear.

It is also possible that a patient could have the fat under the skin sculptured in order to create a buttock mound and then the skin is re draped over the surface of the newly augmented buttock.  This combination will produce a more defined gluteal or buttock prominence which will help to restore the contour.  This is an area that is classically deficient in volume and lacks definition in patients who have lost a significant amount of weight.

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