

Meet Paul Belt

The Procedure

A mini abdominoplasty is indicated in patients who have a moderate degree of excess skin in the lower abdomen.

It is also suited to women who have separation of their rectus abdominis muscles below the umbilicus.

The procedure involves making an incision which is smaller than that of a standard radical abdominoplasty in the area above the pubic bone.  The skin is undermined up to the umbilicus and the separation of the muscles below the umbilicus is corrected.  The excess skin is then removed.

This procedure is also helpful in correcting the bulge which can be present above a lower horizontal scar, such is the case after a caesarean section.

Dr Belt will be able to advise you at the time of your consultation if you are a suitable candidate for a mini abdominoplasty or, if the degree of skin you have is beyond the scope of this operation and/or your muscles require repair up to the ribcage (xiphisternum), then this technique may not be powerful enough in which case a radical abdominoplasty would be a more effective procedure.

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