
Tuberous Breasts

Meet Paul Belt

The Procedure

The condition of tuberous breast deformity can cause abnormalities of breast volume, volume distribution, breast shape, and nipple areolar size and shape. The lower pole of the breast is the most commonly affected. There may be associated protrusion or herniation of the breast tissue into the areola. This can result in an enlarged areola and a constricted base to the breast. There may occasionally be a shortage of breast skin and the crease underneath the breast may be abnormally high. There is usually breast asymmetry with differing degrees of abnormality in each breast.

There are a number of degrees of severity depending on the constriction of the breast base, the level of the breast crease, the skin envelope, the breast volume and the nipple areolar complex. The severity will influence the type of treatment employed.

The principles of treatment are to expand the constricted base, lower the breast crease, increase the skin envelope, augment the volume, reduce the nipple areolar complex and the herniated breast tissue and restore symmetry to the breast.

The treatment options include :

  • Breast uplift of mastopexy
  • Breast augmentation
  • Tissue expansion
  • Combinations of the above

Dr Belt will assess your specific requirements and will taylor your operation(s) to your specific clinical requirements.

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